Thursday, September 3, 2009

Shooting Star!

And now for something completely different. I've been very busy lately so haven't posted much. Just got back from vacation in Maine a week ago and took this picture while there. It's truly amazing to be in Maine. You can see the Milky Way just by stepping outside! No need to go way out in the country... I guess Maine is mostly "in the country!"

Anyway, here's a picture I took and by sheer chance, captured a shooting star!

Clear skies,


Oley said...

oh your lucky to have captured such a beautiful moment!

apparently we'll be seeing an abundance of more stars because we're passing through some type of orbit? or we already passed through it?

Anyways, LOVE star gazing, wish there were better views in miami...

TeaKayB said...

Nice images! I'm trying to get started with some basic astrophotography. My first effort is here: It's not great, but I don't think it's awful either...